Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cherry on a Modern Art Sculpture

The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden is a large park right outside of downtown filled to the brim with lovely postmodern sculpture that the uneducated demand their children could make. In response to them, I say that the most their children can make is a snotty kleenex. If they want to make that into some kind of Dada sculpture piece, that's up to them.

The centerpiece of the sculpture garden is "Spoonbridge", better known as "The Cherry on the Spoon" sculpture. It has, for some reason, become a symbol of the city (as seen in the above postcard). This is probably due to Minneapolis's booming spoon, cherry, and modern art industries.

I realized the other day that if you were to remove the cherry, it's easy to see that the spoon is bent in such a way that eating your average bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios would be a major chore.
Who eats cherries with a spoon anyway? And doesn't the position of the cherry defy the laws of physics? I should also note that water sprays out of the top of the cherry stem. Totally unrealistic. It's about time someone delivered a critique to The City of Lakes's most beloved giant sculpture piece.

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